Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Headed Home

Is your heart at home? Your true home? Your true heart?

This world is a mess. It is saturated in chaos, riveted by war and violence, tarnished by greed and dishonesty, and shrouded in hate and confusion. Rampant immorality has made a mockery of God and goodness. Truth is dismissed as an inconvenience, and pride promoted as the way of success. 

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Strange Ways

Then somehow, somewhere, she came across a poem. Reading it, she prayed to God that its powerful message might have an impact on the undecided boy she loved. So, one night she placed the poem gently on the piano she knew he would play. When he read it the next morning, he was so struck he decided to put music to its words.

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Please God!

We are never so weak and dependent on Omnipotence than in the midst of the storm. Whether it be physical, spiritual, financial, or moral, we reach to the heavens for hope and strength. We seek God’s protection and deliverance. In crisis, we learn to pray, whether we are religious or not. We do not decorate our prayers in times of trouble. We do not write them out in advance.

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