Headed Home
Is your heart at home? Your true home? Your true heart?
This world is a mess. It is saturated in chaos, riveted by war and violence, tarnished by greed and dishonesty, and shrouded in hate and confusion. Rampant immorality has made a mockery of God and goodness. Truth is dismissed as an inconvenience, and pride promoted as the way of success.
Biblical Worldview - Part 12- What are Heaven and Hell Like?
As a child, I used to love going on road trips with my grandparents. Whenever we entered the lobby of a new hotel, I’d collect the little travel brochures for all the local sights. They didn’t cover every detail of the attraction, but they would usually give a pretty good feel for what it was like. What happens to people when they die? God’s Word provides a brief brochure-taste of eternity, to spur us here on earth.
Ascending to the Upper Room of Prayer
We often speak of “mountaintop” experiences where we spend time alone with God. These encounters bring peace, joy, wisdom and revelation from Him and of Him, sometimes in a profound way. Ascending to the high places to abide with God will often transform us—He knows that. God is always calling out to us to come up higher.
The Spiritual Battle
He (Jesus) made the things we can see and the things we can't see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16 NLT
Many years ago, God helped me understand, and better comprehend, the unseen world that exists around us. He graciously gave me the privilege to see the workings of the spiritual world through a vision.
None in Heaven
The gentle breeze whispered through the tall trees and played with the setting sun. The peace was palpable.
This was a beautiful place. Its serenity lingered with its sacredness.
I’ve always loved visiting cemeteries. Where do you find such a rich and diverse history gathered in a single plot of earth?