Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Working It Out

Our despairing world knows so little of grace and mercy. The seeds of kindness often struggle to grow in the harsh soil of recrimination, retribution, and revenge. Being the beneficiaries of grace, should we not also be its benefactors? The fallen race of man yearns to find forgiveness, acceptance, and new life. It may not act like it, but it does, desperately.

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Play Dixie

The nation would eventually once again become the United States. But the path to reunion would be more difficult and filled with recriminations. Lincoln wanted the South restored. He never believed the confederate states had truly left the Union.

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Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Guest Contributor Prayer, Devotional, Pray (Book) Guest Contributor

Intercessory Prayer is Standing in the Gap

In the Old Testament, many large cities had walls surrounding them to provide protection from enemies. When part of the wall was broken down, the city was vulnerable to attack. Brave soldiers were needed to risk their lives by literally standing in the broken wall’s gap to turn back the enemy.

Today, “standing in the gap” is a term used by people familiar with warfare prayer and intercessory prayer.

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