Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Please God!

We are never so weak and dependent on Omnipotence than in the midst of the storm. Whether it be physical, spiritual, financial, or moral, we reach to the heavens for hope and strength. We seek God’s protection and deliverance. In crisis, we learn to pray, whether we are religious or not. We do not decorate our prayers in times of trouble. We do not write them out in advance.

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Education Jack Wyman Education Jack Wyman

Right on the Money

Then, in 1864, while the blood still flowed across America’s fields, with no end in sight, a change appeared on the two-cent coin, ordered by the Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase. It would be a new national motto. Simple but profound. Clear and incontrovertible, an unchanging and ancient belief that would supersede even this war.

It would be a declaration of hope. A summons to unity. While America’s original motto focused on man’s ability to create a united nation from human diversity, this new motto, expressed in plain English, anchored the nation’s confidence in divine sovereignty. It would appear on all coins.

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Devotional Bunni Pounds Devotional Bunni Pounds

Psalm 56 – All Day – In God

Have you been in a situation where your enemies are hounding you ALL day long? When you feel like you never get a break from their pursuit – how does that wear you out? Whether these are physical enemies like people on your job, neighbors who don’t like you, opponents on a campaign, people on social media who constantly attack your beliefs, whatever that looks like for you in this moment – it can feel constant.

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