Jesus is Coming Quickly
Christians have a foundational truth in their arsenal that puts everything in our lives into perspective. It doesn’t make sense to unbelievers, but it is what gives us joy, peace and hope: Jesus is coming back.
Biblical Worldview - Part 2 - Is There a God? If so, What is He Like?
Biblical Worldview - Part 2 - Is there a God? If so, What is He like?
A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This is because the question, “Is there a God?” is the most foundational concept humans address in their existence. All other decisions and ideas flow from the answer to this question.
Biblical Worldview - Part 4 - Are Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 Reliable?
Many people find it difficult to believe the teaching of the first two chapters of Genesis. It is
easy to ask, “Are we sure that account is reliable?” or “Isn’t that just a general picture? It’s not meant to be taken literally, right?”
If we have a question about the Bible, the best place to find the answer is the Bible. As Major
Ian Thomas was fond of saying, “The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible!” So what does
the rest of Scripture teach us about Genesis Chapters 1 and 2?
Discipleship: Becoming a Spiritual Mother or Father
Discipleship isn’t just for church leaders; it is for Every. Single. Person. And it is not that complicated. We can all become a spiritual mother or father regardless of how old we are or how long we have walked with the Lord.
This was one of the key takeaways during my recent discussion with two of my dearest mentors, Danny Norris and Helen Lambert, which released a few weeks ago.
Debt: Our Family Budgets and the Travesty of Our Nation’s Out-of-Control Spending
Debt has been a constant battle for our families, and especially in our younger years, debt had a significant control over us. Whether it was unavoidable circumstances like an unforeseen medical bill, a house flood, or a broken vehicle, or whether it was from a bad business decision, a vacation we “had to take,” or a large purchase that we didn’t really have the funds to buy, debt became a vicious cycle. And to be blunt, debt is not the will of God for our lives.
Biblical Worldview - Part 3 - What is the Origin and Nature of the Universe?
“Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?” From ordinary people to famous philosophers, everyone has wrestled with questions of origin. In fact, every culture, every religion, and every worldview has attempted to answer questions of origin.
Adopt a Candidate: 10 Steps to Impact the Primaries
Here is a simple guide to help you Adopt A Candidate!
Biblical Worldview - Part 1 - What is a Worldview? Why is it Important?
Biblical Worldview - Part 1 - What is a Worldview? Why is it Important?
Have you ever considered your most basic beliefs? The way we act is shaped by the way we look at the world. Our lives are shaped by our basic assumptions and convictions. Those beliefs may be based on truth, or they may not. They may lead to inconvenience or they may mean the difference between life and death.
2023 TX Constitutional Amendment Election Christian Voter Guide
The Christians Engaged guide to each Proposition listed on the 2023 Texas Constitutional Amendment Election.
Biblical Conduct - Part 16 Application for America (Part 2)
Part 16 - Application for America (Part 2)
Jesus instructed his followers to be salt and light because a silent Church and silent Christians spell disaster for any culture. If the salt and light are removed, despair, darkness, and death will reign in the real world today, just as they did in the fictional Tom Sawyer cave of the 1840s.
Biblical Conduct - Part 15 Application for America (Part 1)
Part 15 - Application for America (Part 1)
As Solzhenitsyn so poignantly reminds us, we must know the truth and how to defeat the lies of Socialism and Communism, as well as their modern repackaged variants: Critical Theory, Political Correctness, and Progressivism, or millions more will suffer. The wonderful news is that the Biblical Worldview supports true justice, equality, and freedom. The Biblical Worldview stands for human rights and dignity of all! Socialism is the counterfeit. The Biblical Worldview is the real thing, the loving position that provides and protects according to God’s immutable truth.
Biblical Conduct - Part 14 Protect the Sheep
Of all animals, sheep are some of the most helpless, foolish, and weak. That is why God so often compares humanity to sheep. It’s not flattering, but it is the truth: like them, we are helpless, foolish, and weak. But God loves and cares for the weak.
Biblical Conduct - Part 13 Salt & Light
Like Moses, Joshua, David, and other heroes of the faith, we have been called to know God and to make Him known. Is your light shining before others? Or are you bowing to the pressures of culture and putting your lamp under a bushel? Are you exposing the darkness and evil that is around you? Is your life helping to preserve your neighbors from the death and decay of false ideologies and harmful actions?
Biblical Worldview - Part 2 - Is there a God? If so, What is He Like?
Biblical Worldview - Part 2 - Is there a God? If so, What is He Like?
A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This is because the question, “Is there a God?” is the most foundational concept humans address in their existence. All other decisions and ideas flow from the answer to this question.
Biblical Conduct - Part 12 Impossible Rules
How are we supposed to conduct ourselves, as believers? Should we follow tradition? Should we follow rules for character and etiquette?
Biblical Conduct - Part 10 Love In Action
From that time up to today Marxism has been responsible for the worldwide murder of over 85 million people, the oppression and torture of millions, and the proliferation of extreme poverty for all except those who join the evil ruling system. What is the loving thing for believers to do when confronted with a philosophy that endangers the lives of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people?
Biblical Conduct - Part 11 What is the Source of Character?
God wants to change us from the inside-out. In God’s design, we would remember His great love for us, drink deeply from His Word, choose to offer our lives to Him every day, and then He Himself will transform our character from the inside-out!
Biblical Conduct - Part 9 What is Love
Written by Ben Quine
With so much rain and fog, vision was extremely limited, but the drivers stoutly continued on. What the drivers on this busy road did not know, was that this very day the bridge had collapsed. Every driver that proceeded as normal would perish. One young person managed to stop in time, and with as much speed as they could muster, they ran back to warn the other drivers —“Stop! The bridge is out! You’ve got to turn around!!” But they were met with contempt, “Get out of the road!” “Can’t you see that we’re in a hurry!” “We’ve got to get to work.”
The Biblical Response to Abortion (LIFE in the Bible)
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
Biblical Conduct - Part 8 Speak the Truth: Correction
What’s something that makes you uncomfortable? Maybe fingernails on a chalkboard? Or the sound of a fork scratching on a plate? As children of God, we are called to “speak the truth in love,” something that is often very uncomfortable for all parties involved. But like taking a distasteful but life-giving medicine, the truth is vital for health.