The Future of the Supreme Court Could Be at Stake
But there’s another essential reason to show up at the ballot box this fall: the U.S. Supreme Court.
Elections have consequences, the adage goes. And, in many ways, the Supreme Court is on the ballot. Why? Because right now the radical Left, politicians, and some of the most radical groups in the country, are engaged in a concerted, full-scale effort to stage a Supreme Court Coup.
The Power to Change America is in Your Vote
Whether an election is to fill a seat on a local school board or the Oval Office, we keep seeing anti-religious-liberty candidates elected who then promote their anti-religious-liberty policies. They’re determined to steer America away from our constitutional heritage, while ushering in extreme agendas and ideology that are hostile to people of faith. How did they gain so much power? The answer is obvious: People of faith largely stayed home and didn’t bother to vote.
Tragically, only a fraction of Americans who say religious liberty is important to them actually vote in the major elections. People of faith need to see voting as not just a right, but also a responsibility.
Celebrate: Our Story IV
This father never stopped looking. He never stopped loving. He held deep in his broken heart a quiet confidence that in time—if nothing had happened to him—his son would again walk through that gate at the end of the road.
“Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20) Surprised by joy, the dad engulfed his son in love.
“My son.” Here is the climax of Jesus’ story. This is why we love it more than any other. It’s about us. We are God’s sons and daughters.
1630 - Engaging the Next Generation of Leaders
Christian young adults across the country see what’s happening today in our nation and feel many things - apathy, anxiety, fear. Many more see where our culture is heading and have a desire to make an impact, but don’t know where to start. Our nation is increasingly deviating from Biblical values and social conservative views are seen as “outdated.” What is our purpose in life? Are young people called to make a difference? How do we make an impact in our nation?
Is Early Voting Right for You?
When should I vote? With early and absentee voting soon to begin for the general election, faith-based voters are asking themselves, “Is it okay to vote early?”
Epiphany In a Pigpen: Our Story III
“And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want.” (Luke 15:14)
That’s how Jesus put it in his story. Suddenly, the happy and confident young man who had it all had nothing. No money. No friends. No food.
He has an epiphany—a moment of sudden revelation and insight.
This is a different young man. A young man emersed, not in “worldly sorrow”, but in “godly sorrow.” (II Corinthians 7: 10-11) He has recited to himself the simple but profound facts of his life as he knows them to be. He knows what he’ll tell his father...
Fast Times in the Far Country: Our Story II
Jesus tells us this younger son left his family—especially his loving but compliant father—and "took his journey into a far country" (Luke 15:13, emphasis added). This kid wasn't taking any chances with a retreat or return. Where he was headed dad wouldn't know and couldn't possibly find him.
Freedom meant being far away from all the cramping restraint and boring familiarity. Distant meant exotic and exciting.
The Wild One: Our Story
With this simple and direct understatement Jesus begins the story that has moved hearts and impacted the world for more than two thousand years. In art, literature, film, and in pulpits around the world the Parable of the Prodigal Son has been told thousands of times.
It’s a story that will never grow old because its truths and lessons are timeless…It is the story of all of us and of each of us. It is the story of every sinner.
It is the story of humankind.
Biblical Worldview - Part 15 - Conclusion: By Their Fruit You Will Know Them
The Biblical Worldview is essential not only for salvation, but also for a sure foundation to living well. It alone teaches us about the living, Creator God. It alone provides us with the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. It alone instructs us on the right way to live, which brings peace and builds up society.
If a person or culture adopts the Biblical Worldview, submitting their thoughts and will to God, the results will be the Fruit of the Spirit, a virtue and love that is the foundation for a free and just society. This is the answer to our culture’s plight. This is the answer that we need today more than ever!
Lift Up a Standard
Jesus Christ Himself became the intercessor who would lift up a standard for the purpose of redemption. When there was no justice, Jesus was justice. When there was no one righteous, Jesus was righteousness. When there was no salvation, Jesus was salvation. When there was no intercessor, Jesus became intercession for the people whom He loved.
In the same way, we are called to be intercessors for our nation in our generation. We are the ones to carry the love of God and the presence of God to a hurting world.
Biblical Worldview - Part 14 - The Pale Blue Dot
The “Pale Blue Dot.” Have you seen the picture? A truly beautiful photograph… It’s amazing to realize how tiny the earth is in comparison with the vastness of our solar system — not to mention the universe! To Dr. Carl Sagan this photograph revealed that humanity, the earth, and life itself are all insignificant given the scale of the cosmos. We’re just a tiny blip on the canvas of nature. So he suggested we find meaning and purpose by exploring space, searching for extraterrestrial lifeforms, and colonizing remote planets. Of course this begs the question: how can space exploration (a hopelessly too large task) give meaning?
Biblical Worldview - Part 13- What is the End of the Story?
The ending of a story is crucial in determining the meaning of the story. If Romeo had simply not panicked and committed suicide, both he and Juliet would have gone on to live happy, joy-filled lives. If Gollum had not bitten the ring off of Frodo’s finger and fallen into the fires of Mt. Doom, the dark Lord Sauron would have regained the ring and the unquenchable power that went with it.
As humans, it is very important for us to understand history and where we fit into it. Every one of us has a basic need to know the meaning of the story of history.
Biblical Worldview - Part 12- What are Heaven and Hell Like?
As a child, I used to love going on road trips with my grandparents. Whenever we entered the lobby of a new hotel, I’d collect the little travel brochures for all the local sights. They didn’t cover every detail of the attraction, but they would usually give a pretty good feel for what it was like. What happens to people when they die? God’s Word provides a brief brochure-taste of eternity, to spur us here on earth.
Biblical Worldview - Part 11- What Happens to a Person at Death
“If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!” These
famous scripted words were spoken by Obi Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars. Darth Vader
accepts the gambit, plunging his former friend and mentor into the afterlife, which in the film is a
vague and undefined existence. Kenobi appears to be “at one with the force,” while
simultaneously retaining his individuality and the ability to speak to Luke, appearing in ghost-like
form. Of course, this is just a movie — but the philosophy resembles eastern worldviews that
seek the same goal of “becoming one with the universe.”
Biblical Worldview - Part 10- Why Doesn’t God Just Remove All Evil?
In the last article, we saw that evil entered our world through the choice of Adam. Adam and Eve’s terrible disobedience brought with it devastating consequences for all mankind and the whole world… It can be difficult to understand why a loving, all-powerful God doesn’t purge the earth of evil.
Biblical Worldview - Part 9 - Why is there Evil and Suffering?
“I just don’t understand - why did this happen to me??” At some point or another, all of us have had questions to this effect. We all experience suffering, pain, and loss, and sometimes the pain is so great that it can be difficult to understand how God could allow it.
Biblical Worldview - Part 8 - The Weakness of God’s Law
How can something that’s perfect have a weakness?
We live in a universe created by a moral God. He has expressed Himself through the laws and
moral principles found in Scripture, with which we can know right from wrong. The commands of
the LORD reflect the very nature and character of God. Collectively they instruct us on which
choices are right, and they protect and warn us from making choices that are wrong.
Biblical Worldview - Part 7 - What is the Basis for Right and Wrong?
I’ll never forget Sociology class in college, especially the day the professor taught the
concept of Mores and Social Relativity. “Mores are rules agreed upon by a social group,
including what people hold to be right and wrong,” she said. She went on to explain that since
ideas, beliefs, and behavior vary according to time and place, nothing is really right or wrong;
instead, each group decides what they think is right or wrong, and for them, it is. Those who
break social mores aren’t doing anything intrinsically wrong or evil, they are just “deviants.”
Furthermore, no social group is allowed to question the mores of another social group,
according to this philosophy.
Biblical Worldview - Part 6 - Saved for What?
So you’ve experienced spiritual salvation! Wonderful!! There is much rejoicing over you in
heaven! But is that the end? Maybe you’ve read the previous articles and thought to yourself,
“Yes, I became a Christian years ago, so I guess that’s it. There’s nothing left for me to do.”
Actually, your story is just beginning!
Biblical Worldview - Part 5 - The First and Last Adam
Frankenstein. Just that one word conjures up so many images! Countless books, movies, and stories have been based on the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley. But did you know that Frankenstein is not the name of the monster, but the name of the doctor who created him?