Christians Engaged Supporter now Judge
Bunni Pounds introduced Christians Engaged supporter and now judge, Gina G. Parker at her investiture from the House Chamber in the Texas State Capitol in January 2025. Judge Gina was sworn in as one of three new judges on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, a statewide court that serves more than 30 million Texans.
Psalm 150- Praise the Lord
The book of Psalms ends with a book of songs - that can give us dramatic laments, glorious expressions of sadness, fears, and joy as well as eternal perspectives on life - all with just a simple refrain, “Praise the Lord”.
Psalm 121- Lift Up My Eyes
God knows the end from the beginning. He knows how our life will end and the legacy that we will leave. He is not sleeping till He completes the work He has started in us.
A New Christian City Council Member Because of Christians Engaged
This past summer, Jonathan Reaves brought his family on our inaugural ministry trip to Washington, DC. Shortly after returning home, Jonathan was asked to run for City Council by two pastors whose churches (thanks to our previous work cultivating relationships with them) are strategic ministry partners with Christians Engaged. Because God had so deeply impacted his heart on the Christians Engaged DC trip, Jonathan said yes to running.
A Special 2023 Year End Note from Bunni
This is what the new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson publicly said about Christians Engaged:
“This is one of the key ministries in America working to equip and empower believers to stand for truth and make an impact on public policy and the direction of our country. ‘For such a time as this!’”
I can tell you, Christians Engaged is here for such a time as this.
The Complete Story of Christmas
A transformational gospel that has the power to redeem people from destruction cannot just be about the First Coming but it must also include the Second Coming as well.
The State of Evangelism in Modern America, Part Part 2 of 2
This is the second of two articles with two evangelists insights, and I challenge you to read their words and pray about how God might have you respond to Him.
The State of Evangelism in Modern America, Part 1 of 2
Evangelism is a key tenet of the Christian faith, but how many of us really share our faith on a regular basis?
Will We Malign God’s Beloved or Will We Love Her? (A Message to the Church Concerning Israel)
Will We Malign God’s Beloved or Will We Love Her? (A Message to the Church Concerning Israel)
This message is to all the Christians who seek truth, who do not want to be led astray by “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1), and who call themselves bold and courageous. This is our moment of decision on one of the most important issues of our generation. What will we do with Israel?
The Holy Spirit’s Work: It Touches Even Our Sex Lives
The Holy Spirit’s Work: It Touches Even Our Sex Lives
The apostle Paul gave the Church of Thessalonica an exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 4 that I believe strongly is a warning to us today in the modern American church.
The Miracle of Our New Speaker — Congressman Mike Johnson
The Miracle of Our New Speaker — Congressman Mike Johnson
After 22 days of the American public wondering if the House Republicans would ever come together, they finally became unified around a humble Christian man.
Christians Engaged Hosts 2023 Wake UP! Conference Nov. 3-4
Come hear some of the top Christian government and ministry voices in America as they inspire and educate us on prayer, voting and engagement for the wellbeing of our nation. This national conference is designed just for you — the awakening church.
What I Have Learned From James Robison
A Thank You letter to James Robison.
For those who do not know, James is the founder of The Stream, and Life Outreach International helps underwrite this important work of education and empowerment for the Body of Christ in this important moment in our nation’s history.
Leadership Ready: Esther’s Destiny Was Born out of Preparation
Leadership is not created in a vacuum. There are decisions that we make every day that prepare us for what lies ahead.
We have a leadership crisis currently in this nation and we must have godly leaders, not only in church ministry, but in every place of influence in our culture.
Are We Ready for a Pentecost Outpouring or Are We Pushing Our Proverbial Snooze Buttons?
The late Leonard Ravenhill…used to say, “Many want an Upper Room experience like on the day of Pentecost, but they’re unwilling to humble themselves on their knees at the Cross of Christ.”
4 Ways Christians Can Respond to America's Crisis
Now — more than ever — our hurting and confused culture is a raging battleground between the very real forces of good and evil and light and darkness. America is at a crisis point, yet the Body of Christ is still asleep in many places and non-existent in our communities where our light must shine.
A Boy A Pig & A Prayer
The year was 1986. The boy, raised in church, knew God and knew how to pray just as Jesus taught his disciples in Luke 18:1 – praying always and not giving up.
The Enemies of Our Soul - Pride, Anger & Fear
Evil is manifested more clearly in politics than in many other professions or activities in our culture. The shades of grey seem to be darker. Ethics are twisted to produce the results that politicians desire