6 Gifts Covid-19 Gave Us - Part II
Faith does not require Christians to constantly grin or walk through life as though trouble did not exist, but when we can see a glimpse of something positive coming along with the trial, life grows a little more hopeful. For myself, if I never again hear the word, “coronavirus,” it will be too soon…
6 Gifts Covid-19 Gave Us - Part I
One of the unique qualities of the Christian religion is our view of problems. We believe bad stuff is real, yet we also accept it as hopeful for we trust our God has the power to draw good from bad…
Psalm 118 - His Mercy Endures Forever!
When I was a teenager, God spoke to me through Psalm 118. It jumped off the page into my heart and I have returned to it in many seasons of life since then. Throughout high school and my years in Bible college, I used to say this was my “life Psalm”…
Overcoming Cynicism in Challenging Times
In the face of unprecedented turmoil, political corruption, and abuses of power we see sweeping across America, cynicism can seem like the only rational response to the daily onslaught of disturbing media reports we’ve been enduring. …
Do Not Give Up, Stand Up!
Have you been watching the news and feeling like things are hopeless? Have you thought, “What’s the point? It feels like a lost cause now.” Maybe you have been tempted to isolate yourself to escape the madness…
The Best is Yet to Come (2020 Continued...)
If you think the first half of 2020 was crazy, chaotic and confusing — Brace yourselves.
As someone who likes to see the cup half full rather than half empty I will tell you this…
Your Identity as a Christian Living During a Worldwide Identity Crisis
As this latest racial crisis has hit our nation many are asking and some are demanding certain things from the church. Certainly it is nice to see that many still understand and recognize that the church has influence and is an agent of peace and hope in turmoil. But what they do not understand is…
On the Other Side of FEAR
There are people waiting for us on the other side of our fear.
As I was reading Mark 4 the other day - the story of Jesus calmly resting in the middle of the storm, I was reminded that sometimes we have to make a choice to go over to the other side…
The Invisible Enemy
There is an invisible enemy determined to end humanity. This enemy has no borders, it’s widespread and it locks people in forced and permanent confinement.
This enemy is tiny, but don't be fooled because it knows how to force all of humanity to its knees with its crafty infection. It can paralyze the body and the mind…
Is Your Tongue Pro-Life?
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” -Proverbs 18:21
Shortly after we launched Christians Engaged, the Lord put the above verse on my heart—specifically as it relates to the way in which we speak of our government officials and leaders.
As I read the content of our first few weekly 5:55 prayer texts, I came to realize that there was a disconnect within my own heart and life between my prayers on Monday and my general political conversation throughout daily life…
The Blessings of Solitude
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” -Albert Einstein
As a millennial I’m always on the move—attending meetings, completing items on what seems to be a never-ending to-do list—and that’s how I like it. I consult various political clients, I teach for a college, I lead a non-profit that hosts summits to educate youth on conservative principles, and I sit on advisory boards of a few non-profits. I’m a doer, and in the past, it’s been hard for me to sit still for too long without going stir crazy. However, in the wake of this Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic…
What is God Doing in this Chaos?
Charles Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…” describing a time in the 1700’s. In that same era, the First Great Awakening happened in America which for the most part focused on people who were already church members, pulling them away from ritual and ceremony only and making religion “personal” to the average person.
Does Dickens describe our current situation today?
Profile of a Public Servant - Richard Sanders
This month, I lost a dear friend, County Judge of Henderson County, Richard Sanders. He truly was the gentle giant as people described him.
Richard was a football player in high school, real estate developer, regional representative for Congressman Jeb Hensarling for 8 years, and then a two-term County Judge, the top administrator, for the county that he loved.
Throughout his career, Richard embodied the ideal public servant, and was a true example of why good, Christian people are needed to help navigate the muck and mire of local, county, and state government.
My hope in sharing this profile is to not only testify of what this humble man meant to me, but to inspire us all that public service is a worthy profession. We need more men and women of character and courage to step up and serve.
The Power of Unity
Our nation is in a culture war. The fight is real, and the consequences will impact future generations to be sure. The time is now for the Body of Christ to rise up and take our place to protect the God-ordained liberties and values this country was founded on.
It is time to join with ONE VOICE as believers in Christ, as Christians in this nation.
Did you know that the only time that the blessing of God is literally COMMANDED in scripture is found in Psalms 133 when “God’s people dwell together in UNITY”…
Wise Men (or Women) still Seek Him
You have probably heard the expression – wise men still seek Him.
As we think about the Christmas story and the miracle of God being born as a humble baby in the flesh – I want to move our hearts and minds toward the act and demonstration of worship and why it is important to combat the extremely ugly PRIDE that attacks our hearts as leaders.
Here is God in a humble form – a BABY - that in the natural shouldn’t cause wise men to marvel or seek after, but when they see Him, they fall on the ground and worship Him. Then they open their treasures that they are carrying on their journey and they present these extraordinary gifts to the baby king. This is extravagant worship!