Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

God and Country

He was short, a little over five feet tall. He was slight, barely 100 pounds. You wouldn’t pick him out in a crowd without effort. He’d likely be in the back of the room, dressed neatly in a black suit.

Reinforcing his unobtrusive appearance was a shy, serious, and quiet temperament. He spoke barely above a whisper. He was deliberative, circumspect, and judicious, careful in what he thought and said, and how he said it.

If you listened intently, he’d be worth your attempt to hear him.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Keep Your Pole Moving

The malaise of pessimism and angst cuts across party lines. Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are all depressed about the present national condition. They may have different reasons, but they are all in the dumps about the United States.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Not in Vain

The sun was setting gently across the broad Pacific. In its breathtaking beauty and confident serenity, it was a majestic and powerful sight.

It was, perhaps, this peaceful sunset, together with the relentless violence and destructive contagion of war, that led the great man to take pen in hand on this evening. Just harrowing days earlier, he and his family were crossing turbulent and dangerous waters in a small PT boat, surrounded by the enemy. He had found solace and protection on this island nation.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Self Evident

They gathered in the small boarding house on Market Street. They sat down in high-backed wooden chairs around a simple wooden table. There was no air-conditioning to sooth the summer heat. In the descending rays of the late afternoon, a candle was their light. To them was given the awesome responsibility to craft a declaration; the “power to begin the world over again.”

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Engagement, Inspirational Guest Contributor Engagement, Inspirational Guest Contributor

A Christian’s Response to the Anticipated Overturning of Roe V. Wade


It is the 9th inning, and the score is in our favor. Everyone expects a huge defeat is going to be delivered to the other team - who for decades seemed to have won. For years with fervent fight, we have chipped away at their successes and are about to win. Cheers will be heard across the nation!

Here is the warning though - The season is not over, your team needs YOU! 

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Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor Devotional, Inspirational Guest Contributor

Adventure Awaits

At 78 with 50 years of ministry and almost 60 years of marriage, I could reminisce about the past seasons of my life and talk about retirement, but scripture exhorts us to “forget the past and reach forward to those things which are ahead; pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 3:13-14)

I am anticipating with great joy the adventure that awaits me in this next season of my life, because I am daring to go farther with God rather than just take retirement.

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Inspirational, Education Jack Wyman Inspirational, Education Jack Wyman

The Source

He could have had anything. All he had to do was ask. It would be his.

Few people have ever had such an opportunity. No conditions. No expectations. No restraints.

“What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

It was a breath-taking generosity.

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Prayer, Inspirational Guest Contributor Prayer, Inspirational Guest Contributor

Time Management in Faith

Time Management is crucial in everyday life. Family, work, and friends all demand our time.

How many of you have been so busy that you prayed for a 25th hour in the day?

How many of you want a stronger relationship with God but you just can’t find the time? You are just too busy at this moment, maybe later.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Just Like Her

It was a trail of tears. Too bitter and heartbreaking for words.

Three women—one older, two younger—united by the deaths of their husbands, were traveling to a new home, and a new beginning.

It hadn’t been easy, nor would it be easy now.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Storm Rider

Sometimes I don’t get it. I just don’t.

It reminds me of what Winston Churchill said of Russia: “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”

My definitions don’t fit. My reasoning is defied; my hopes and expectations unrealized, and my assumptions overturned.

It makes no sense.

How odd of God.

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Devotional, Inspirational, Prayer Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational, Prayer Jack Wyman

The Only Way

He was powerful. He was famous. He was celebrated. He was a fearless leader of men.

He was sick.

General Naaman was a leper. The dreaded skin disease was serious, painful and fatal. Thousands of years ago, there was no cure for leprosy. We learn of Naaman in the fifth chapter of II Kings, in the Old Testament of the Bible.

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Devotional, Inspirational, Education Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational, Education Jack Wyman


They were out to have a good time. It was a day trip with family and friends. A chance to create some memories.

Three young people from California—all in their twenties—were hiking in Yosemite National Park. They climbed up the steep and slippery Mist Trail until they reached Vernal Fall. It is one of Yosemite’s most popular and spectacular waterfalls.

It was a crystal clear, beautiful day.

There was a metal guardrail. It had been placed there by park authorities to keep visitors away from the swift-moving water of the Merced River. Just 25 feet from the precipice of the fall, the young people crossed over the guardrail and entered the water.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

A Seat at the Table

He was labeled, pitied, dismissed, ignored and ostracized. Crippled was the word—and the stigma. “Disabled” and “challenged” hadn’t been invented. He was a young man with a difficult name and a difficult life.

Mephibosheth. He was royalty—once upon a time.

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Inspirational, Education, Prayer Jack Wyman Inspirational, Education, Prayer Jack Wyman

"Our Weapon is Truth"

He’s short of stature, slight of build. He’s youthful, informal, and seems a bit like the comedian he once was. He looks more like the guy standing next to you at the pizza place on a Friday night, waiting for his take-out order, than a head of state.

Whatever seemed ordinary about Volodymyr Zelensky a mere fortnight ago is suddenly eclipsed by a courage that is truly extraordinary.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman


Her eyes. They were beautiful. That’s what I first remember. They were some of the prettiest eyes I’d ever seen.

At my parents’ farm in Pittsfield, Maine, on May 4, 1981, I knew I was really in love for the first time in my life.

That this young woman had come into my life, and loved me too, I regarded as a miracle akin to the parting of the Red Sea.

It was exciting. Feelings I’d never had before this day flooded over my heart as cascading waterfalls.

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Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman Devotional, Inspirational Jack Wyman

Better Than Anyone

“Hi Mister! I’d like to see your puppies.” The young boy smiled broadly. The farmer led the boy to a pen where a litter of puppies scampered eagerly about their mother. The farmer was selling them and the boy had been saving his money.

The farmer watched as the lad carefully scrutinized the black and white pups. After a few moments, the boy pointed to a quiet puppy sitting alone in the back of the pen. He called him and the little dog gingerly limped toward the boy, wagging its tail. “I’d like that one,” the boy said.

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