Inspirational, Engage (Book) Bunni Pounds Inspirational, Engage (Book) Bunni Pounds

The Dichotomies in the Christian Life within Politics

As Christians, when we start participating in the culture we discover some harsh realities. People are not always kind, and it is not easy to be a Christ-follower engaging within a hostile world.

Jesus taught that the first shall be last, the last shall be first, and whoever would be the greatest must be the servant of all (Matthew 19:30, Mark 10:43-44). This is an “upside-down kingdom.”

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Inspirational Bunni Pounds Inspirational Bunni Pounds

Waiting for Taxis

Our Jewish friends are under attack!

If we call ourselves Christ followers, we need to stand up loudly against these movements that are springing up on our college campuses and around the nation.

We need to be aware that Marxist philosophies and anti-Semitic philosophies disguised as new “theologies” are sneaking into our churches.

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Devotional, Inspirational The Leadership of Christians Engaged Devotional, Inspirational The Leadership of Christians Engaged

Psalm 81- Worship, Remember, Repent and Return

Throughout the Scriptures we see different times that God appointed for His people to come together. One such time for the nation of Israel was the Feast of Tabernacles. It was an annual feast when the people would praise God and remember His faithfulness and care for them during their time in the wilderness.

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Devotional, Inspirational Ben Quine Devotional, Inspirational Ben Quine

Psalm 79- How Long, O Lord

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t take it anymore? That your suffering was too great to bear? Have you ever been broken hearted because the wicked were triumphing over God’s people? Asaph felt that way. He wrote Psalm 79 from a place of great despair, during the time of Israel’s exile in Babylon; from a place of unspeakable pain, he pleaded with God. Asaph addressed God humbly and honestly, and he gave us a model of prayer for when we are in distress.

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Devotional, Inspirational David Halvorson Devotional, Inspirational David Halvorson

Psalm 77- Cry out to God

This psalm shows that though we have experienced trouble followed by victories in the past, we are easily discouraged whenever the next challenge arrives on the scene. As the children of Israel did in the wilderness, the soul and the flesh are ever ready to forget God’s continuous flow of victories and provision.

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Devotional, Inspirational Scott Jones Devotional, Inspirational Scott Jones

Psalm 75- Thanksgiving for the Righteous Judge

Psalm 75 is a song of thanksgiving. The Psalmist gives thanks for deliverance from the troubles of Psalm 74. This is a Psalm of faith because it anticipates a miraculous deliverance in the future. As one reads this Psalm, it seems to anticipate the events of the end times. In this Psalm we see parallels to the prophecies of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Well - Lived

Seventy years is an entire lifetime. For Queen Elizabeth II it was the longest reign, not only in the United Kingdom but in the history of the world. When she died last week at age 96, it was a globe-riveting event. And no matter how much we paid attention, or didn’t, important history was still being made. Unprecedented history.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Deserve It

As American students prepared to end their summer vacation and return to the classroom, David McCullough died at the age of 89. He was one of the greatest historians this country will ever know. Noble, honest, fair, balanced, and thoughtful, McCullough rose with an inbred grace above the poisonous divisions of our time to teach us why we must understand and love its history if we are to better understand and love America.

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Inspirational Jack Wyman Inspirational Jack Wyman

Here I Am

The sky was clear. The stars were bright. The air was still. It was a beautiful, serene night in the desert.

His wife was asleep. His servants were asleep. The animals were asleep. Only he was awake, stirred by a voice clear, resonant, gentle, and yet authoritative.


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Engagement, Inspirational Scott Jones Engagement, Inspirational Scott Jones

Do You Know the Time?

The sons of Issachar were wise men who understood the times in which they lived. Even though their fellow Israelites may have been distracted by idols and foreign powers, they knew what the nation should do. Unfortunately, in our nation today there seem to be very few who understand the times in which we live. As a result, we are seeing a steady decay of our nation and its culture of Liberty.

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